"The best kind of parent you can be is to lead by example." — Drew Barrymore

Parenting is said and judged very easily by others. But, only the newborn’s parent knows the struggles at every step. 

At Wombs2TheWorld, you’re understood. Here, you can find everything —  from suggestions for you to advice for your child.

My Blogs

8 Healthy Recipes For Kids (That Are Delicious Too!)

10 Ways To Develop Social Skills In Your Child

How To Teach Your Teen About Financial Independence?

10 Challenges Faced by Parents In The Modern Age

How to Make Your Child Mentally and Emotionally Strong?

8 Reasons Why Women Should Be Financially Independent

The Most Common Health Problems in Women At Different Ages

Six Comprehensive Ways To Support Mental Health For Teenagers

The 6 Best Health Advice For Our Young Girls

Contemporary Women Is Defining A New World Boldly

About Rupjyoti Phukan

Hello, I am Rupjyoti — a mother and this website’s owner. I feel that by sharing my own learnings as a parent, I can learn about others’ too. Thus, I started Womb2TheWorld. 

I share a new blog post every week here! You can find them, resonate and share your experiences with me.


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